Welcome to the online home of
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church
in Elysburg, PA
Join us for Mass
Saturday Vigil: 4 PM
Sunday: 8 AM & 10:30 AM
Monday -- Thursday: 8 AM
Holy Days: 12 Noon & 6 PM
(Please check the Weekly Bulletin for updates.)
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, March 26: Centering Prayer
Saturday, March 29: Confirmation at 11 AM
Tuesday, April 1: Holy Hour at 1 PM
Tuesday, April 1: Prayer Shawl Ministry at 2PM
Tuesday, April 8: Knights of Columbus Meeting at 7 PM
Sunday, April 13: K of C Easter Egg Hunt at 1 PM
Contact us
599 W. Center St. Elysburg, PA 17824
FAX: 570.672.3310
Parish Office Hours:
7:30 AM -- 3:00 PM
(Closed Fridays, Holy Days, & National Holidays)
April 4th
Parish Social Hall
Take Out only.
Featuring our delicious baked haddock with butter & lemon, roasted potatoes, vegetable, creamy cole slaw, and dessert. $13.00 per platter.
Serving 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
Join us during this holy season
Stations of the Cross -- every Friday at 6:30 pm
Deanery Penance Service –- Wednesday, April 2 at 6 pm.
Devotional Materials -- available in the vestibule
If you are a member of the parish OR your father or grandfather is a member of our Knights of Columbus, you are invited to apply for one of the scholarships offered by this organization each year. Complete details are available here; all applications must be submitted by FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2025.
K of C Easter Egg Hunt
Palm Sunday – April 13 1:00 p.m.
Parish Social Hall & Lower Parking Lot (PLEASE PARK IN UPPER PARKING LOT) Rain or Shine - Prizes for all - Light Lunch Provided - Ages toddler through 6th gr.
Bring your cameras for pics with the Easter Bunny!
We the family of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church, blessed by the patronage of Mary, the Mother of God, are joined together in our faith. We celebrate the very presence of God through Word and Sacrament and in a special way through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
We are joined together as a community to give service to the Lord and His people by:
… Identifying the spiritual and corporal needs of the parish and ministering to them
… Providing religious education to our youth.
… Offering educational opportunities to all our parishioners so they have an opportunity to grow in their faith
… Reaching out to inactive Catholics, other Christians, other faiths and people of no faith.
… Welcoming all Catholics to become an integral part of our family of faith
… Supporting our parish spiritually, physically, and financially so that all needs may be fulfilled.
As parishioners of the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church we will share and spread our Catholic faith with those we encounter, and demonstrate through service to church and community that we are a people of faith.